Security Issue for Java and MySQL or SQL

The most basic vulnerability is to leave the database operating on the default port of 3306 with the default user name and password. Ensure that this port is not open to the web.

SQL Injection Vulnerability

To protect against SQL Injection, it is necessary to avoid methods which take an argumenrt which is directly used in an SQL query.

The solution is a two setp process.

  1. First, validate the input argument against a regex or caught parse exception. Therefore you will know, if the method is supposed to accept a String containing a int, or an entire set of digits, you can be sure that this is the case. This ensures you are not using user input to directly query the database without validating it first.
  2. The second prevention step is not to use a direct SQL query. Instead use a prepared statement. This means that you are not using string concatenation or string replacement to query the database. If this were the case, an attacker can pass your method an SQL statement which will then be run against your database.